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Blue Route Publishing

Realize your vision without losing your mind.

Blue Route Publishing is dedicated to the publication of works by independent artists who wish to maintain ownership and creative control of their intellectual property.  We are commited to helping these artists to realize their publishing visions without losing their mind or the time and attention they need to focus on "doing the work". 

Blue Route facilitates collaboration with independent publishing professionals.  These professionals are committed to helping those artists to realize their publishing goals within the context of a sound business plan.

While we are always interested in developing new projects, we do not accept unsolicited manuscript submissions. 

Artists interested in working with Blue Route should submit a book proposal that succinctly summarizes the project, target demographic, artist's marketing platform/fan base, and development budget.  In addition, the artist should include a brief bio, photo, writing sample and creative vision statement that answers this question:  What are your desired outcomes for this project?

Proposals should be submitted electronically, via email to: submissions@blueroutepublishing.com

Materials will not be returned.  A response to the proposal will be sent within eight weeks of submission.


© Blue Route Publishing. All rights reserved.
Contact: submissions@blueroutepublishing.com


Blue Route Publishing Blue Route Publishing Blue Route Publishing